Eagle eyed Agents may have picked up on the poem’s structure and recognized a pattern. In this case, 13MAGNUS isn’t important to the solution and is just one of those strange, unexplainable Ingress coincidences. This all leads to Niantic." Ī red herring. Obviously, this will be done with the highest of security to make sure that the ideas do not contaminate or threaten humanity. “The mission of 13MAGNUS is to monitor the effects of Mind Hacking. Let’s move onto K's News Feed text, which looks like a strange poem: Ok, it’s a beautiful song, but what the heck does it mean? Success! We seem to be on the right track. 52, and K has also included Schubert’s portrait as the thumbnail image of their News Feed post. “Ave Maria” was composed by Franz Schubert in 1825 as part of his Op. In this case, Googling this returns a video as the top result: If you’re not, then the other tactic is to search for this exact text and see what your favorite search engine returns. If you’re familiar with YouTube URLs, you may recognize this URL format.

In the Scanner app News Feed, there was additional hint text provided by K that says, "Hint: v=XpYGgtrMTYs."

Yesterday (March 14 or 3/14) was Pi Day, as referenced by the #PiDay hashtag. The big block of numbers in the tweet above is a clue. There are multiple ways to try and decode this particular passcode, but we’ll share our decoding strategies to try and encourage more Agents to join decoding efforts and the Niantic Project investigation in the future.