▲ Armoured: Armoured units can block damage from any source apart from Armour-Piercing damage.▲ Spellcaster: This unit can cast spells.He wields the crackling blade Storm Daemon, a modified halberd wrapped with copper wire coils set with glowing Warpstone, energised with barely suppressed power drawn from his Warp-generator. Like all Clan Skryre Warlock Engineers, Ikit has continued to tinker, adding countless upgrades. Whirring cogs hiss and vent steam as the Chief Warlock moves, clanking like a fully armoured knight. The iron contraption is run by a Warp-generator, a masterpiece of engineering that siphons the Winds of Magic to also power Ikit’s devilish inventions. He was tall and white-furred before a failed experiment exploded and mangled his body, so an intricate iron mask of his own invention now covers his hairless skull and a cunningly wrought exoskeleton aids his withered left side. Chief Warlock Ikit Claw has taken Skryre’s blend of science and sorcery to entirely new levels.